Yearly Lab evaluation

Once a year the lab organizes the annual evaluation. The aim of this is to identify what works well and what could be changed to further improve the lab dynamics, structure and how everyone feels about their place in the lab.

Tips & Tricks

How is this done? First, every member fills out an anonymous survey. The latest version of the survey (April 2024) can be found here

A member (or two) of the lab receive the answers. All of these anonymous answers are then aggregated together form a basis for open discussions about addressing issues. The lab member(s) then first talk about the results with Floris. Afterwards they organize a group discussion where the emerging topics are addressed openly in the group setting. This can also take more than one session if needed. It is good if specific actions are suggested and taken to improve the atmosphere or any issues that emerge through the evaluation.

A couple of things that may be worth implementing in the future:

  • Having a follow-up meeting 6 months later to see whether the agreed-upon actions are taking place and if this is a positive improvement
  • Keeping track of the survey answers across years to see if there is change or if similar problems keep emerging

You can find the Yearly Lab Evaluation’s current organizer here