In this page we will describe the responsibilities associated with the internal service role of chairing the Artificial Intelligence Club. This is currently one of the academic clubs hosted by the Predictive Brain Lab in which members meet every three weeks to discuss NeuroAI research relevant to the one being performed by members of the lab.

The current organizers can be found here.

The agenda (including possible papers for long discussions) can be found here.

Organize AI Club


  1. Paper Blitz: At least once every semester, members engage in a Paper Blitz session, during which each of us brings one or two Neuro-AI-related papers to the club and presents them, with or without a one-page slide. The brief presentation should encompass the key results, main takeaways, and reasons for liking or disliking the paper.

  2. Long Paper Discussion: In-depth discussions are held on longer research papers, enabling members to delve into complex topics thoroughly. Paper preferences are given to papers nominated in the paper highlights channel. If you’re the presenter, ensure you confirm your choice with the club members before your presentation. While slides are preferred, they are not mandatory.

  3. Round Table: The Round Table format provides the best format for post-conference highlights or brainstorming sessions at the beginning of each semester.

  4. Guest Speakers: The club frequently hosts guest speakers outside the PBL to share their expertise and insights through online talks. We especially welcome presenters who are in the early stages of their careers, such as PhDs or postdocs. It is ideal to arrange such talks as early as possible and remind the speakers at least one week before their scheduled talk.

  5. Watch Talks: Sometimes members gather to watch and discuss talks, conference presentations, or other relevant videos related to Neuro-AI. Talks preferences are given to talks nominated in the talk highlights channel.

Club Principles

  1. Not Overcommit: The club practices the principle of “not overcommit,” recognizing the importance of balancing commitments with other responsibilities and interests.
  2. Attendance as Commitment: Even if you don’t read the paper or prepare the paper biltz, please feel free to join the clubs.


  1. Coordinate with presenters/guest speakers.
  2. Announce the AI club one week beforehand - this should be done through the AI channel in MatterMost.
  3. Organize the paper blitz/round table.

At the beginning of the academic year/semester ask everyone to sign up in the agenda to present something at least once. If they do not sign up on time, you can add their names to the agenda and let them know of their presentation date. ***This should only include members interested in attending the AI club.