Here we will shortly direct you towards important documents that are handy to have while doing EEG or MEG data acquisition.

If you are not a certified user for MEG or EEG, you need to contact the lab manager and ask how to get certified. In this way you can collect data independently. The individual responsible for the MEG and EEG labs is Miranda Naaktgeboren

MEG Measurement Checklist

The documents below offer a template outlining the necessary steps to set-up and complete an MEG measurement session at the DCCN. Feel free to take one of the templates below and adapt it according to your needs and those of your study. Even if you are familiar with this type of analysis, we recommend following a checklist just to ensure everything goes as smoothly as possible.

  1. A general MEG checklist - Standardized Measurement Protocol
  2. A fine-grained acquisition guideline can be found here: MEG checklist

EEG Measurement Checklist

Similar as for the MEG, the documents below will provide a step-by-step guide to complete a recording session. We advise to always follow a checklist (you are welcome to make your own) to ensure that all steps have been performed while doing your recordings.

  1. A general EEG checklist - Standrized Measurement Protocol
  2. A general guide on how to apply EEG electrodes
  3. A guide on how to clean the electrode cap after a recording session - Step-by-step instructions

Remember to always follow the general guidelines of data management of the Donders Institute. This is especially important for reproducibility in neuroimaging experiments and sharing your results with other lab members.