The following section will provide with useful resources when starting with M/EEG analyses. Mostly, links to tutorials, lectures and relevant software for the different analysis.


The main software used by the members of the Predictive Brain Lab to do M/EEG analysis is the following:

  • FieldTrip - MATLAB software toolbox for MEG, EEG and iEEG analysis. This is the default software being used given that it is developed at the Donders and they provide support for it.
  • MNE - Open-source Python package for exploring, visualizing, and analyzing human neurophysiological data: MEG, EEG, sEEG, ECoG, NIRS, and more
  • EEGLAB - EEGLAB is an interactive Matlab toolbox for processing continuous and event-related EEG, MEG and other electrophysiological data

You can ask other lab members if they have pro’s and con’s regarding their software selection before deciding what to use. It may be the case that specific software is better for some analysis compared to others.

General Resources


  • The Donders Institute offers hands-on annual courses to get acquainted with some of the most recent neuroimaging techniques. Experts on the field working at the insitute guide these several day workshops. You can find the current schedule here.

Ask other lab members for their experience with these courses. Additionally, you might want to consider looking at the software being used during these toolkits as it might not match with your experience or goals.





Advanced Analysis

Video Series

  • Besides containing tutorials and giving the Donders Toolkit for neuroimaging, the authors of Fieldtrip also upload a variety of videos to their page explaining different concepts or analysis performed in MEG or EEG. These can be found on this link.

They may overlap with the Donders Toolkit, so you might find information being repeated.

  • The Swedish National Facility for MEG has complied a series of lectures by a wide range of speakers explaining different terms and analysis types performed in this type of data. They of course do not have continuation between speakers but you might find useful information here.

  • Series of videos on Neural Signal Processing and Analysis by Mike X Cohen (used to be a researcher at the Donders). You can find them, here

  • Introduction to EEG/MEG Data Analysis - A recently released (2024) series of videos by the head of the M/EEG deparment at Cambridge, Olaf Hauk. It goes through some of the most important concepts for analyzing this type of data.


  • MNE Tutorial Series - Their website provides explanations, sample code, and expected output for the most common types of analysis in M/EEG. They have very clear and thorough explanations, though at the expense of not having too many topics being explained.